Are You A Visionary? What "Vision Boards" Can Do...

This morning, while I was scheduling my Sea Gypsy's Vardo Facebook postings for the day, I began thinking about my dreams and aspirations. It was then that I realized that, while I was rearranging my "Creation Station," I had not re-hung my vision board. 

It's full of sayings and words that capture the essence of what I see. Daily affirmations and the bold print that speaks so well to me. And pictures, depicting the life I want for myself... full of artistic expression and beauty. 

I made my "Vision Board," a few years ago. A dear friend of mine came over, and we spread out magazines, pics, bits and pieces of us, that would resonate with our being. Most of you would know what I mean by that... a "vision" board where you adhere pics of things you're working towards in your life, inspirational quotes that fuel your energy to get there, as well as other bits and pieces that symbolize your life journey and where you would like to end up at a certain time frame in your life. I like to call them "focus triggers" that help me stay on track with my life goals. 

Now, mind you, I'm not a "name and claim it" kind of gal, and I'm fully aware of the foolishness that can transpire when individuals look to this process to be nothing more than trying to hit the "jack-pot" of life, and miss the whole point. There's so much more to it than getting what you want materialistically. Certainly, there can be those benefits. But, the over-reaching blessing of it all is to have a sense of fulfillment in the act of becoming all that you were created to be. Also, being a person of Christian faith, I do believe in, "writing down the vision and making it clear so that those who see it, can run with it and will know how things will turn out...," Habakkuk 2:2-3. ( I've paraphrased a bit, but you get the understanding.) 

There's something to be said for focus and predetermination... an advanced resolve for our lives, if you will. It's a very spiritual process. It can serve to keep us focused on the very best parts of who we are. Tapping in to the creative spirit that we have all been blessed with in one arena or another. It's also and endeavor to find out who we really are. What really makes us "tick." 

When I sat down to make this board, I dug deep within myself to find what it was that excites me, what inspires me, what drives me. I needed to determine what motivated me to take the steps needed to become who I want to be. Some things spoke to my future, while others speak to me in the now. I needed things that would encourage me when I'm being challenged by self and others to reach my goals, or when I feel like throwing in the towel and giving up. I needed to have something that would remind me of who I really am and why I do what I do. And, when I'm not being the best of myself, an encouragement to return to "me." 

I guess I've said all this to serve as an inspiration to anyone who reads this to think about who they really are and what they'd like to see develop in their lives. What we're willing to settle for and what is not going to be compromised. 

Let me know if you've decided to make a "Vision Board." I'd love to hear about your process and how it may have changed your idea about your future, or re-awakened you to your real self. 



"Our aspirations are our possibilities." - Samuel Johnson 1709-1784


  1. Beautifully written X thank you x

    1. Thank you, Bernadette! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. ❤

    2. Thank you, Bernadette! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. ❤


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