A Mini Dreamcatcher DIY
A few days ago, I posted on my Sea-Gypsy Facebook page, a pic of my mini dreamcatcher that I created to hang from my rearview mirror. There was such an excitement about it, that I figured it would be a good idea to post a DIY crash course in making these little beauties.
Small, simple, and beautiful, they are big on style.
So, here we go!
What you will need:
1. A hoop. (For the hoop, I just used an old bangle bracelet. It was the perfect size for what I wanted. But, you can find mini embroidery hoops and silver rounds at craft stores for very little money.)
2. Hemp cord, for wrapping the hoop.
3. String or very fine hemp cord, for the webbing and hanging items from the hoop.
4. Assorted beads.
5. Feathers. (I chose to use an old feathered earring. I liked it because it already had a turquoise bead added, along with the fact that it would be easy to attach.)
6. Scissors.
Now, begin by tying the hemp chord in a knot at the top of the hoop. Be sure to leave enough of a tail for you to be able to make a loop when you are finished wrapping the hoop.
Wrap the chord very tightly around the hoop, making sure that the hoop is not showing through. You may have to adjust it from time to time. But, just keep wrapping, and wrapping, and wrapping... you get the idea.
When you get back around to the top, tie it off in a double knot, leaving enough extra chord to make a loop, before you trim it off.
Next, take your string, and tie it either at the top or bottom of the hoop. Make sure the knot is tight, because you're going to be pulling on this string as you work your way around. This will be the foundation of your webbing. Now, this is the tricky part. I feel I should warn you that it can get frustrating learning how to web. I still don't do it perfectly. But, I don't mind, because I actually love the look of a messy little web on the inside of my dreamcatcher. (When I use the hemp string, it frays, and I absolutely adore how it all looks when it comes together.)
**Don't forget to cut a large amount of hemp string (or embroidery floss) to create the webbing for the middle. It's much better to cut more than you will need, rather than less.
Measure about an inch away from the top knot.Wrap the hemp underneath and then loop it through, pulling it tight and secure. Continue to measure equal distances from each knot you create. Keep looping and knotting around the entire hoop, and complete your first round. When you get back to the top knot, measure the next knot to the middle of the first one.
(Initially, I thought I only wanted four equally space loops. But, changed my mind and decided on more. However, I forgot to take new pics of the change. But, you can get the idea.)
Continue the same knotting technique. Keep weaving the circle smaller and smaller. Make sure to line each knot up in the middle before looping. As the circle gets smaller, keep pulling and tightening the hemp to keep the shape you want. Then, when you get to the middle, you will need to decide how small or large you want the center hole to be. When you get there, tie it off. To tie it off, end on a knot where it won't look noticeable. Pull the hemp tight and then tie a double knot. Trim the remaining string.
If you want to add beads into the webbing, just do so as you're working. I strung one bead, when I was ready to tie it off.
Next, move on to the pretty dangles! Just cut pieces of string in whatever lengths you are desiring. Mine were about eight inches long. String them through the bottom of the hoop, pull the ends together until they are of even lengths, then tie them in the center, in a double knot, allowing both of the ends to hang down.
Now, just add beads, wherever you want. Make sure that you double knot the ends of the string if your beads have larger holes. You don't want them sliding off.
Next, the finishing touch! Add a feather or three. (I say three, as I think everything should be in odd numbers. So, for a dreamcatcher this small, you'll only want to use one or three feathers.) I chose to use an old feathered earring. I just hooked it around the bottom center of the hoop, then wrapped the earring hoop (the part that goes through your ear) back around itself to secure it.
I hope you enjoyed this little ditty. If you are having difficulty with the webbing (as, I'm sure I made it sound a little more simple than it actually is), I encourage you to check out Pinterest or YouTube, and search for "dreamcatcher DIY." There are many fab tutorials that can assist you with perfecting your webbing technique. (I've been on several trying to learn which techniques I want to attempt next.)
Let me know if you tried this! When you complete one, post it on my Sea-Gypsy page. I'd love to see it!
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